Adani starts India’s biggest green hydrogen blending in natural gas project | Company News Business Adani starts India’s biggest green hydrogen blending in natural gas project | Company News Azerbaijan, Brazil, gas production, Natural gas, Oil and gas production, UAE, UN 0 Comments COP hosts aim for 33% increase in combined oil and gas production by 2035 | World News administered price mechanism, APM, crude oil imports, Discovered Small Field Policy, domestic natural gas price, DSF-II, gas allocation, gas development projects, gas pricing, gas production, Ministry of Petroleum, Natural gas, Oil India Ltd, ONGC, Open Acreage Licensing Programme, Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell, PPAC, premium gas price 0 Comments ONGC and Oil India to price natural gas from new wells at 20% premium | Company News Andean Community, Armin Dorgathen, Boliva President, Bolivia, Bolivian Institute of Foreign Trade, embattled president, Evo Morales, gas industry, gas reserves, gas windfall, important gas exporter, La Paz, Latin America, Luis Arce, Natural gas, Natural gas discovery in Boliva, natural gas exports, natural gas extraction, natural gas field, natural gas producers, natural gas reserves, President, Republics, state-controlled energy, state-owned energy, Yacimientos Petrolferos Fiscales Bolivianos 0 Comments Bolivia prez announces natural gas discovery, promising boon for country | World News